
Husaïs set the decisive themes of Héla Fattoumi and Eric Lamoureux’s choreographic approach, stemming from according their two personalities. Fine-tuning two imaginative worlds, as Christine Roquet writes in Fattoumi-Lamoureux, Danser l’entre l’autre, “presupposes no ‘harmony’, but operates also in friction, tension – and certainly, equally, a shared softness.”
Husaïs is constructed from the interplay of waiting, drawing together, brushing together, separating, and infectiousness – inscribing two dance scores for soloists, each necessary to the other and yet independent. From this relationship emanates a sort of tension where the exploration of contrary elements or events imposes a quartering that leads not to rupture, rending, or separation, but to the resonance of this link between them.
The dancing emerges minimalistic and virtuoso, soothing and spurting forth, fluid and syncopated, it draws angular paths, chiselled trajectories that seem to arise from inner surges to create an experience of otherness.