Une douce imprudence

Une douce imprudence ©Laurent Philippe
Une douce imprudence ©Laurent Philippe
Une douce imprudence ©Laurent Philippe
Une douce imprudence ©Laurent Philippe
Une douce imprudence ©Laurent Philippecadre5unedouceimprudence

This duo between Éric Lamoureux and the choreographer and pedagogue Thierry Thieû Niang is the culmination of an intuition and a longing bolstered by their histories and the dialogues they have had with each other. The work linking the two artists is centered around the presence and the manipulation of pieces of fabric, fluid, warm, soft, creating spaces for their encounter and for the imagination.

Their hand-to-hand and body-to-body movements are also expressed through the attention each pays to the other, their sharing of the space and the fraternal nature of their dialogue. They created the conditions of this return to themselves in an atmosphere open to seeing and hearing, risking what might happen in “a sweet imprudence” (the title of the work). Along with the unique, vibrating voice which adds its own magic to the dance, from the Norwegian singer Sidsel Endresen.
