En tournée

Designed for a group of 4 to 7 dancers, requiring a minimal technical framework, the performance is suited to highly different contexts, and takes on its meaning through impromptu encounters with the audience, indoors as well as outdoors. It was envisioned as a course to be assembled in collaboration with the host venues.

Ten shapes create a landscape. They come to life, revealing two radically distinct but related populations. The first group is human, and as always with Héla Fattoumi and Éric Lamoureux, diverse: their skins, their wear-and-tear, their differing morphologies and journeys fill up the space, forming a mass of humanity. Next to them, the Oscyls wait, immobile for a few seconds or is it several centuries; only an exterior energy can bring them to life. If man is generous, offering him his breath, they will be able to tumble, pace and whirl. Are they abstract puppets, giant Weebles, or organisms inspired by the work of the sculptor Hans Arp? They have neither foundation nor base; their anchoring is also their mobility.